A Look at Modern Society

It is truly amazing how much society changes over the course of such a small time frame in human existence. Comparing common life 100 years ago to the lives lived by people today is like comparing night and day. Items that were not offensive back then are extremely offensive by today’s standards, women and people of specific ethnic backgrounds had very few rights in comparison to native white males, and the way in which we live our daily lives in general have been transformed drastically. Additionally, our overwhelming dependence on technology is one of the largest changes by far; as well as the fact that a much larger denomination of the populace lived on a ranch or farm and grew their own food in the earlier 20th century compared to the minute percentage of population today live on a farm and feed the remaining population.

As mentioned, one of the biggest changes that has taken place is the dominance of technology in our modernized society. Even backtracking ten years, it was uncommon for a child in elementary and even Jr. high school to own a cell phone; now more kids than not own a cell phone that they use on a regular basis. In conjunction with cell phone ownership, the amount of time spent watching television and surfing the internet takes up a large portion of free-time in comparison to the time being active and doing other activities in years past. This is one large issue that has vastly contributed to the obesity epidemic in modern American society.

In all, our society is extremely innovative and technologically based. By no means have we degraded in terms of how we have evolved as a whole when compared to 100 years ago. However, we are much more dependent on amenities such as technology and prepared food that is contributing to an overall unhealthy lifestyle and habitual actions that are then passed on to future generations.

The Evolution and History of Communicating

When one takes the time to go back and reflect upon the advancements that have been made over the past millennium in terms of society and the tools humans utilize to successfully perform their daily takes, it is truly remarkable. This concept pertains specifically to advancements that have been made through communicating over the past 100 years.

Not long ago in the early 1900s, humans were prone to using wires and horseback to transmit messages from one place to another. Telephones had recently been introduced and utilized telegraphic transmission to deliver sounds and voices from one apparatus to another. Additionally, the concept of wireless communications via the radio was still extremely new and not well known technology. Little did anyone living in the early 20th century have any inclination of thinking that such drastic advancements would be made in as little as 100 years.

Moving ahead to the year 2000, efficient communication is a way of life. Pilots of large aircraft that carry thousands of passengers around the globe on a daily basis wirelessly communicate clearly to air traffic controllers that give them the word to safely land on a runway. Additionally, computers have taken a front seat as one of the most prolific and widely used pieces of technology in the average American household. With hundreds and thousands of computers making their way into households on an annual basis, these versatile pieces of technology offer a wide range of options for people to communicate from anywhere to anyone in any place on the globe, and even beyond.

Additionally, the prized telegraph phone from the late 19th and early 20th century has been slightly tweaked and transformed into a miniature handheld device with vast capabilities and efficiency. Cell phones have become a staple in modern society not only providing a way to communicate, but leading the forefront of a new way of life and communications.

American Society’s Dependence on Technology

With the vast advancements that have been made in the technological world over the years, American society has adapted well to taking in the new changes with undeniably open arms. However, while in fact these new pieces of technology are seemingly making life more simple and everyday tasks a smidgen easier with each newly released software update, society is becoming dependent on this growing trend.

This is not an issue in itself, as having a cell phone that can perform one hundred separate tasks in addition to sending and receiving phone calls is pretty neat by most standards. However, if these ingenious small metallic and fiberglass achievements in communications from our modern world were suddenly taken away, people of all ages would undoubtedly go insane without the ability to text message or tweet at will.

Aside from cell phones, other aspects of our lives are continuing to be run via some form of a technological advancement that has been made within the last couple of decades. Whether it be the vast databases with extremely personal information welded up in a bank’s mainframe infrastructure, or the GPS system in a primarily computerized mechanical vehicle ensuring you find your way to the nearest gas station to fill up your tank and purchase a 44 oz. Mountain Dew, the obsession of obtaining all of the latest pieces of technology and the latest version of any predecessors has never been so prevalent.

Technology is not a bad thing, obviously it makes the lives of everyone who utilizes it better. However, as our society slowly submerges itself into the world of becoming solely dependent on a piece of machinery to accomplish a task that was done manually years past, or computers to answer questions and or store sensitive information that can thus be accessed the same way; should the time come that these luxuries are taken away, it is not too far from the truth to fear chaos will persist.

Communications and its Impact on Society

Gadu-gadu client / instant messaging software
Image via Wikipedia

Historically the way a society communicates has been a gauge of how advanced they were. In today’s society there is an unceasing need for information that fuels and ever-changing world of technology- especially as it applies to communication. There are three major areas that have been dramatically impacted by the new wave of modes of communications- news outlets, personal communications, and the legal arena.

News Outlets

Long gone are the days when news took days to reach the general public. In fact with the hyper speed of communication that takes place on social medial outlets. There have been plenty of instances where news channels picked up their breaking stories from social media sites. Newspapers too have had to morph. Long were they the magnates of disseminating information, a number of them are struggling to survive and all of them offer digital versions of their publications.

Personal Communications

Members of society have steadily been able to draw closer. Communication with family and friends is now instantaneous. Staying in close contact with past friends and acquaintances is now a matter of a quick name search. Cell phones, digital cameras, email, and instant messaging make it possible to communicated with anyone, anywhere. Even the job market has changed; people can now work for companies all over the world from the comfort of their own home.

Legal Arena

Criminals and those that engage in criminal enterprises have also felt the impact that communication has on society. Law enforcement agencies can quickly transmit information to each other to assist in the capture and detainment of criminals. Criminal records and histories are easily searchable and social networking sites are being used to successfully apprehend an ever-growing number of criminals.

Communication has brought us closer as a society, changed our marketplace, and even increased our efficiency in bringing individuals to justice.

Communications, Society, and the Law

Two Anons hold up signs saying "Ask me wh...
Image via Wikipedia

The study of communication and how it affects society must eventually include a look at the ethical considerations involved within their interaction. Within every major story, every major broadcast or new paper headline there are ethical considerations that have to be complied with to present the information in a responsible manner. When ethical procedures aren’t followed then usually person’s legal rights have been violated. This forms the basis for cease and desist letters and numerous lawsuits. Just as broadcast communications is an ever-changing field, so are the laws that surround it. The Internet itself brought on a whole new realm of law to deal with the many issues that occur within this area.

Society craves both news and privacy. They enjoy peeps into other’s private lives but are very guarded about their own. Communication laws seek to allow the free flow of information in our society but also ensuring that the media adheres to certain checks and balances. The law will seek to ensure that ideas and certain information be freely communicated and that its expression remains diverse, by allowing for equitable access to media by all members of society. Also the law will operate to ensure that entities in charge of various modes of communication are responsible, ethical and held accountable for their actions. When interviews are conducted certain procedures must be followed, when people give information but wish to keep their identity private certain procedures must be followed.

Communication is a part of the very framework of our society. Policies that that govern or seek to ensure that individuals are free to express themselves utilizing the wealth of technology available. As important is the ensuring that the expression takes place within the parameter of the laws that exist to protect individuals from the members of society that aren’t responsible.